In questa sezione è possibile consultare tutti gli articoli più interessanti in materia di alimentazione/stile di vita e salute raccolti e catalogati coerentemente per autore.
Buona lettura!

Marco Biagi
Teresita Mazzei
– Do Patients with Prostate Cancer Benefit from Exercise Interventions? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
– Effects of Exercise Programs on Physical Factors and Safety in Adult Patients with Cancer and Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Systematic Review.
– Exercise reduces systemic immune infammation index (SII) in childhood cancer patients.
– Lung Cancer and Self-Management Interventions: A Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials.
– Recreational Physical Activity and Outcomes After Breast Cancer in
Women at High Familial Risk.
– TANGO: effect of tango Argentino on cancer-associated fatigue in breast cancer patients.

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